Land of Promise - The Exhibit
      The volume you are holding was inspired by an exhibit which proudly carried the title Land of Promise: The Jewish Experience in Southern Alberta.
      The exhibit was a large, transportable gallery of more than four hundred photographs and documents, complete with explanatory captions and additional text that included family histories. About two years in the making, it made its public debut in November, 1992 in honour of Canada's 125th anniversary year and over one hundred years of Jewish settlement in Southern Alberta.

      After its initial success at the Calgary Jewish Centre, the exhibit became an attraction at Fort Calgary. It then went on tour to Edmonton and, at the request of the Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia, to Vancouver.

Department of Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Canada
Alberta Historical Resources Foundation
B'nai B'rith Calgary Lodge No. 816
Harry B. Cohen Foundation, Calgary
Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Calgary
The Alvin and Mona Libin Foundation, Calgary

Berns Visual Presentations Ltd. Calgary
Classic Reproductions and Printing (1989) Ltd., Calgary

Exhibit Coordinators
Jay Joffe
Dinah Spindel

    Exhibit Consultants
Bernie Stuijfzand
Gordon Gibbs
Barbara Joffe
Sandra Kalef
Therese Nagler
Jack Switzer
George Coulson
Text Editor:
Sandra Kalef
Family Histories:
Therese Nagler
Avrona Gutman
Newspaper Research:
Harry Sanders
Azriel Presma
Opening Ceremonies:
Sheila Gurevitch
Barbara Joffe

Photographic Layout
Gordon Gibbs
Gibbzart Consultants, Calgary

Photographic Reproduction
Deryk Bodington
Kay Sallenbach
Andy Schneider

Ethel Allman
Emanuel Cohen
George Coulson
Trudy Cowan
Zena Drabinsky
Dave Dworkin
Harold Finkleman
Arla Friedman
Dr. Morris Hanson
Zelda Hanson
Ida Horwitz
Barbara Joffe
Yale Joffe
Abram Kislik
Dr. Leo Lewis
Sid Macklin
Millie Millar
Edythe Perlman
Reata Polky
Donna Riback
Marie Samuels
Archie Shapiro
Charna Shapiro
Sandi Smith
Dave Spindel
Jack Switzer
Riva Wolf

    With the valued cooperation of:
The Calgary Jewish Centre
The Calgary Jewish Community Council
Beth Tzedec Synagogue, Calgary
Glenbow Archives, Calgary
The Southern Alberta Pioneers Association
and the many individuals who provided
photogaphs, materials and information.